Review: Knockoff Kingpin bigfig

Right, you guys know from my Lego vs Lepin post that i hate fake Lego. The reason i bought this is because i REALLY wanted a Marvel Kingpin bigfig and Lego didn’t make one. he came from a brand called POGO. It came from Taiwan.

20181012_154035  So here he his.


I thought it would be interesting to show him in pieces. As you can see, the head is a separate piece.


So he has a white jacket and purple trousers. He kinda looks like a blown up version of Egghead from Batman! He has a very cheesy grin.


Back view. POGO didn’t do a very good job of covering up his butt marks (sorry, i couldn’t resist)!


So not bad for fake Lego. Well i did want a Kingpin fig. Tell me in the comments what you think of him.


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